Seeni Karthika

Backend Developer
May 4, 2000

About Candidate

Seeni Karthika – Django Python Backend Developer

With almost 3 years of experience in Django and Python backend development, I have a solid foundation in building and maintaining robust web applications. My key skills include:

Backend Development: Proficient in Django, creating RESTful APIs, and ensuring seamless integration with front-end components.
Database Management: Experience with relational databases like MySQL, including database schema design and optimization.
AWS Basics: Familiar with AWS services such as EC2 for instance creation, S3 for storage solutions, and basic cloud infrastructure setup and maintenance.
Version Control: Proficient in using Git for version control and collaborating on code with team members.
Deployment: Experience in deploying applications, managing server configurations, and ensuring application performance and security.
I am eager to leverage my skills in a dynamic and challenging environment. Looking forward to contributing to your team.



Bachealor Of Engineering 2017-2021
University College Of Engineering,Nagercoil

Computer Science and engineering

Work & Experience

Backend Developer 01-08-2021 - 30-06-2024
Ellantec Private Limited

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